Top Swiss Replica Watches

Fake Swiss Made Rolex Replica Knockoff Watch

Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue

At the Basel Watch Fair in 2018, Rolex launched a red and blue Pepsi circle GMY-Master II with high popularity. This replica watch has always been very popular. It has a shape similar to the Rolex Submariner, and has a practical dual time function. The dual-color ceramic technology of Rolex Replica GMT Master has promoted the popularity of this trend. The red and blue Pepsi bezel has always been the cornerstone of the GMT Master series. The red and blue design is used to distinguish between day and night. There are many watches with two-color bezels, but only this watch with a red and blue bezel is more popular. Below, let us take a look at this charming replica Rolex watch.

Design aesthetics

Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue
Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue

Rolex watches are of outstanding quality and reliable performance. The Cerachrom word circle of the watch is red and blue. The red part represents going up from 6 pm to 6 pm, and the blue part represents 6 pm to 6 am. The replica Rolex of this watch is extremely sturdy. This material has outstanding scratch resistance and corrosion resistance. The ceramic luster makes the bezel more three-dimensional. The color effect is also more obvious. The matte finish on the bezel contrasts sharply with the polished surface of the word circle, creating a three-dimensional effect. The classic two-tone shape continues the traditional spirit of Rolex clone watches.

Red and blue design

Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue
Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue

Since the Rolex GMT-Master watch was born in 1955, its 24-hour progressive scale red and blue rotating outer ring has been particularly eye-catching. The additional hands will rotate the Westbrook dial once every 24 hours. The bright red and blue design forms a strong visual contrast. This design can ensure that the watch has a clearer scale. The dual time zone design increases the practicality of the watch. There are many fake Rolex watches with bezels with other color combinations, but in the minds of many Rolex lovers, the red and blue outer ring is always the classic feature of this watch.

Difference of Replica Rolex

Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue
Rolex Replica GMT Master in Red and Blue

This Rolex replica watch has a high degree of reduction. The color of the bezel of the Rolex GMT Master 16700 watch is dark, but the color of the bezel of this fake Rolex watch will be brighter and the color contrast is sharp. Bright-colored watches can make the wearer exude a positive and sunny charm. The dial color of the genuine watch is darker than the color of this replica watch. Although the genuine watch looks more mysterious, the contrast between the dial color and the bezel color of the replica perfect watch is more vivid. Therefore, this watch replica Rolex is more attractive.

The beauty and uniqueness of the watch have attracted many fans of Rolex watches. The design of the two-tone bezel is full of charm. The red and blue bezel has a sharp contrast in color. It is also a watch with high practical performance. What do you think of this watch? Do you like this exact cloned watch?

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